Jill Carter-Hansen Biography Animation Peace is in Your Hands Peace Poster Photography Prints Illustration Paintings Visionary Images Home Page
THE MESSENGER 1992 (Click to Watch)
Travelling from a distant galaxy, a winged horse arrived from a strange city.
Within the inner sanctum a confrontation takes place with the animal overlord
resulting in an amazing transformation. An allegory on change and rebirth.
Music and chants interwoven with animated images describe
a spiritual odyssey mirrored in a physical journey to a new land.
ECLIPSE 1999 (Click to Watch)
Beneath a full moon a volcano sleeps. Across the dark lake a boat is rowed.
A strange timing of events releases creative forces to deal with the danger at hand.
This dreamlike tale unfolds to reveal mysterious powers of water and moon embodied in the feminine.
©1983-2013 Jill Carter-Hansen Visionary Images. All rights reserved.
Domain Name | Uncharted Worlds

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